Well, it's Friday night and I actually have a minute to sit and update this here blog. Things have been seriously busy these past few weeks as Claire and I have moved into our own little maisonette in a fancy part of town. The run up to the move was really tough as workmen had started doing up the house and there was dust EVERYwhere. Packing was horrendous. I really thought I didn't have that much cr*p as I dejunk quite regularly, but oh no, stuff was coming out of the woodwork. I always prefer to pack myself, however tiring, because then I can work out what I really want to keep, what I want to chuck, what needs to go to the charity shop etc. And I can make sure that things get grouped together in boxes for each room. However, this time I was getting seriously stressed and kept saying that I never wanted to move house EVER AGAIN, EVER!
I didn't take any pictures of the process as it was too harrowing, but Claire did...
Anyway, the day of the move dawned, and workmen starting ripping out front and back doors and putting new ones in. The timing was a bit off because they were supposed to have finished before the removal men arrived.... In the end, the front door was just about in place in time. Yikes.
We are truly blessed to have wonderful friends (and family of course) and dear sweet S came to pick me up to go to the new place to let the removal men in. She then took me back to get Claire and the freaked out cat so we could bring him to our new home. I had made sure I packed the kettle and things for a cup of tea on arrival, but she very generously brought this amazing lemon drizzle cake too so we had that before she left us to it. And most grateful we were too!
Next day, more wonderful friends came to take us back to the old house to collect rubbish to take to the dump, and have more cups of tea. They also gave us their old microwave and new toaster as a housewarming gift. The aforementioned kettle was a gift from another friend... My sisters also came up trumps and their help was invaluable in securing the flat in the first place. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, because I am so deeply indebted to everyone who helped. I don't know what I have done to deserve such amazing friends.
Two days after the move, and still aching from the packing/unpacking, I started a new part-time job as Office Manager for an external quality assessment scheme at the hospital. Labs have to be accredited and we are part of that process - it's too long and complicated to go into and you'll fall asleep if I try! I am job sharing with a very lovely young girl, and the other people in the office all seem very pleasant too. The difficult part is accepting my limitations since the aneurysm. I am to all intents and purposes completely "back to normal", but this is a new normal. I don't have the capacity I used to have and my brain really did feel overloaded on Tuesday. I still have some memory issues and the face recognition thing really hasn't got much better at all, in that I recognise familiar faces but I am finding it pretty much impossible to remember the faces of people I have just met. Luckily, I am more adept at recognising when I am getting tired and I take steps to limit my activity. I also recover quicker, thank goodness - no more ending up in bed for days at a time (fingers crossed!!). I am mostly just very grateful that I'm still here, so not depressed by these changes, although I have the odd "moment".
Anyway, it's all positive and I'm just looking forward to the new adventure. I have been taking some phone pics for my "Project Life" so I thought I'd share a few.
Our new street and the road our street leads off:
As you can see, we had beautiful spring weather yesterday...
The cat has been out a couple of times, but mostly he's just happy to curl up indoors.
This is him wondering whether to brave it or stay in:
Flowers that got to our new place before we did! Thank you Mummy and Steph -
Tried to make the living room feel homely the first day, with plants and photos:
The first morning I opened my window to listen to the birds singing madly
in the trees that we are surrounded by.
Such a difference from the old place!
Well, I'm going to try really hard to come and update more often. Have a lovely weekend!