Oh dearie me. I am sorry to have neglected this poor little old blog! Life does have a habit of getting in the way, doesn't it? It's not for any particular reason, either. It's just that I'm so tired all the time. I hate to admit that, because somehow it seems like a cop out, but it's the truth. It's very hard, according to the doctors, to work out whether it's post-stroke fatigue or the psoriatic arthritis, but it could just be the double whammy!
On the plus side, I have started a new treatment for the arthritis - a fortnightly injection of Humira. My psoriasis practically cleared up overnight after one injection, but the joints are taking a little longer. I do hope that 2014 is the year I'll start to get my energy back though!
Let me see... what have I been up to? Well, not much I guess, but I do have a load of photos in my photo library so let's see:
Oh yes, first of all I decided I was going to take my birthday week off in February, and go and see my mum in France
I did have a lovely time! It was great seeing my mum and I'm glad I did, for just a couple of weeks later she had another stroke. How worried we all were! She's home again now, with extra home help, and I think she's doing quite well, considering. I'm planning another trip to see her just as soon as I can.
Then I really got stuck into my abandoned Project Life. I love this way of scrapbooking and I did a few months all at once. I don't do a page a week or anything, I just do layouts as and when I have photos or an occasion I want to write about. This is just one of the pages I caught up with.
Also, love love love this photo, straight out of the iPhone camera, nothing special but boy look at those colours!
Sadly, today looks nothing like that. It's grey and raining, but I'm just going to stay indoors so it doesn't matter. I think I shall catch up with my crochet. Yes crochet! Me! I never got on with knitting when I was younger, but I joined a beginners' knitting/crochet group at the Community Centre, and in two ticks I learned the basics. I'm so hooked (pun intended)! And it was all Lucy from Attic 24's fault really. Before her, I never really liked crochet....
My first ever granny square
Above it you can see the beginning of my ripple blanket, made with the wool I got from my Secret Santa... Now it's looking like this
I took some other pictures of it, but with the big camera, which I've not uploaded yet. Another time.
Lyle tries to help...
But really he just wants to play...
(I love the scrap of wool on his whiskers, silly boy)
So there you have a bit of an update. I really will try and update more often! I have a project to do with stroke survivors, so I'll talk about that soon too.
Have a great day :)