I couldn't believe we woke up to glorious blue sky and sunshine! Even though we lost an hour due to British Summer Time (Ha! Summer!), I got up bright and early to have breakfast with Claire, who presented me with this:
Oops you can't see the really cool Hello Kitty Pez dispenser she got me. Must take another picture of that tomorrow. First, I prepared the hard boiled eggs with these amazing shrink wrap patterns on them. I love this kit, that I bought at Tiger.
So simple. All you do is prepare some hardboiled eggs. Let them cool down (I ran them under the tap), then slip one of the sleeves over each egg and pop them in boiling water for 3 seconds. The sleeve shrinks to fit the egg and Voilà, you're done. There were also some little stickers in the pack, so I added a few on the top of each egg afterwards. You'll have to take my word for it because I took the pictures first...
We then had boiled egg and soldiers. I kept the eggs warm with this sweet egg cosy, also from Tiger.
Um, let's just say that I was going for an artistic blur (I wasn't...). And how do you like my two fat birdies? Also from Tiger. Can you sense a theme here?
After breakfast I watched Mass and then Urbi et Orbi, and then in the afternoon on we watched the Boat Race. With a cup of tea. And hot cross buns. I love tradition.
Such a lovely, relaxing Easter Sunday. Hope yours was too.