I promised I'd take a pic of the flowers... so here it is. First off, a broad view, with sunflare, of the flowers and some of the cards I got.
For the record, I would like to apologise to anyone who hasn't had a proper (i.e. not virtual) birthday card from me recently. I used to be so good at planning and sending them, but Facebook and email have kind of put paid to that. However, receiving this lot has felt just fantastic and I really want to reciprocate. There: another resolution for 2013.
This morning I took a close-up because they are just such perfect blooms, I wanted to share.
Aren't they gorgeous? Claire obviously picked the right florist. It just so happens, today's photo prompt was "perfect", so I Instagrammed the rose....
...which led to a flurry of "likes" on my account :) And that's just with the iPhone. Maybe I should have pulled out the D-SLR?
Anyway, today is a lazy, stay-at-home today in preparation for tomorrow's little outing. More of which anon. Happy Saturday!