I just thought I'd share the most wonderful budgeting tool I came across recently. I really thought I'd blogged about this before, but on doing a search of my posts nothing has come up. Maybe it was on Facebook? Anyway, I used this first as a free trial but within a day I was hooked and splurged on the full version on my very next pay day.
It's called YNAB or You Need A Budget. It is truly a thing of wonder. You may be thinking I've finally lost the plot. How can a boring financial budgeting tool deserve such superlatives? But trust me - it's fabulous!
Like lots of people, over the years I've tried and failed many times to get to grips with my budget. I'm not a stupid person (no, really, I'm not!) but I could never work out where to start and there was always something that got left off and, well, nothing really worked for me. Spreadsheets, envelopes, you name it.
Until I read about YNAB. Now, I'm not being paid anything to wax lyrical about this, it's just something I feel strongly about. I love that my iPhone app syncs via Dropbox with my budget on the computer at home. I can keep track of my spending before I've even left the shop. I have different budget accounts in the same place, so I know what I have in my bank, purse, savings etc. When I get money out of the cashpoint I do a "transfer" on the app and it moves it from my bank to my purse just like that, and then I can keep track of how I actually spend that cash.
My waffle isn't doing it justice, so go and check it out for yourselves. I highly recommend it.
ETA: Here is a link so you can save $6 if you decide to buy YNAB
(screencap of the app)