Ok, so there are probably posts all over the internet about the cold, the snow, how pretty, how treacherous, bla bla bla. So, much as it pains me to follow the trend..... here's mine.
Well, we have been expecting snow and an "arctic blast" for a while. Or maybe that's a "Siberian blast", I can't remember. They actually got it right for once, because we woke up to snow this morning (although these pictures are from this afternoon, with a slightly pink sky).
And look! Narnia in my front garden!
First I had some work to do, some calls to make; then I had to get ready for my new Tai Chi class! Yes, project New Jen for 2013 is steadily under way. I have been meaning to do Tai Chi for a while now, as they offer classes at the hospital. In the same way they offer Pilates, but I was kind of put off after having a burst aneurysm after a Pilates class (I know, I know, it's probably not related but it is forever linked in my mind to The Brain Thang [copyright Catherine]). But I digress. So, Tai Chi, yes and it's thanks to my friends at the WWCA because everyone knows it's more fun to join when you know the other people there...
Today was our first class and the instructor, who is kind of an aging hippy, but in the best sense of the word, is pretty amazing. He explained all about the whole ethos behind this ancient art, as well as the benefits. It's rather strange how you could feel the energy in the room change as the hour went on. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the course, although, wouldn't you know it, I can't attend the next two sessions due to a prior commitment to be a patient at PASS Paces.
We all hung out after class, drinking tea and chatting, and then it was more than time to go and get some lunch. By this time the snow was coming down thick and fast, so instead of popping over the road to the canteen I thought I'd grab the next bus and make my way home. Well, home via my favourite pitstop where I had pea & ham soup for lunch.
I'd better get off here and go and do that Project Life album I was talking about, so cheers! and stay warm wherever you are.