Not that I'm complaining, because I love winter, but it really is freezing out there. Nice and seasonal, dontcha think? I thought I'd upload a couple of pictures so you can see it really is beginning to look rather a lot like Christmas round these parts.
A view of our living room, from the hall
Much as I've always preferred having a real tree, we gave in to a fake tree years ago, mainly because the cats used to attack it and I hated having needles all over the house. We do like to put Christmas music on as we are decorating the tree, although this year we watched The Santa Clause as we were doing it. A real classic in our house.
I like this one of our front door. I left the milk bottle there on purpose to make it quintessentially British :)
Talking of all things festive, I definitely plan on going to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park soon - maybe at the weekend. I don't really want to go with all the crowds, but I'm not sure when I'll get another chance before Christmas. I hope if I go when it starts to get dark but not too late, then it won't be so bad.
So, what else is new around here? I'm enjoying work, although I'm glad I'm still only part-time because I still get rather exhausted when I do too much. I've got quite an active social life these days, which has to be a good thing. I volunteer and I go to crafting mornings with a bunch of ladies. I'm also meeting new guys and going out for dinner and stuff. I don't know if any of them will be the man of my dreams, but in the meantime I'm enjoying myself. I'm not a young innocent and I know how to take care of myself - I don't know why my friends worry about me, but I'll take it as a compliment. They obviously care!
So that's enough for tonight. Time to go and snuggle up under the duvet. And maybe listen to the latest episode of The Archers...