Gosh, I think it's been a month since I came here, maybe more. I thought I'd drop by to give you an update and to let you know that I'm not moping around feeling down and in pain any more. Isn't life wonderful?! A lot has gone on though:
- We've well and truly settled into our new place.
- The new (part-time) job is not as hard as I thought it was at first.
- I think I've got a handle on "pacing myself" at last (I know, I've said it before), and
- The bad days are a lot fewer and further between, thank goodness.
Now if only the weather would warm up a bit and actually feel like mid-May, then life would be much brighter all round!
Claire and I managed a day trip to Bath recently. Claire had planned it and bought the train tickets in advance. There was a tricky moment on the Friday morning when I had a bit of a relapse and couldn't face the thought of it, but luckily I had a good old rest and managed quite well on the day. I have loads of photos but they are all on the iPhone and I haven't yet uploaded them all yet. Here's a sneak peek:
View of Bath... including good ol' bright red Pillar Box (=mailbox for my foreign readers!)
Royal Crescent (only about one third of the whole street)
Roman carvings
We had a really lovely time and both of us felt it was something we should do more often... I'm so lucky my daughter likes to hang out with me in this way, don't you think?
Anyway, that's about all I have time for now. Sweet dreams :)