I don't know about you, but we've been having a rather lovely, relaxing, Easter weekend. Of course, we had to have Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday, and for some reason I bought packets when they were on special, forgetting that I'd ordered some from the milkman. We ended up with enough to feed an army! Claire doesn't even like them much, so that was just plain silly of me, ha ha. Anyway, yesterday I caught a Channel 4 cooking programme and they made a bread & butter pudding with the buns, so I made a version of that last night.
Otherwise, after such gorgeous Spring weather, the bank holiday weekend turned out to be rather damp, so we didn't go out much. I am also still suffering from the trapped nerve in my back so I've hardly been on the computer at all. I have, however, finished one book and am half way through another, and I've had copious cups of tea. There are worse ways to spend a grey, rainy weekend, aren't there?
People keep asking me how we are settling in to our new home. It's lovely. It feels really homely - in fact, it did as soon as everything was unpacked. We are still getting used to the little idiosyncracies such as the weird "warm air" heating system, the creaky floors/stairs, the very loud fan that comes on when you switch on the bathroom light, and so on, but all in all it's a sweet little place. The cat has only just started to sit at the front door crying to be let out, and even when you do, he comes running back in if he hears any noise. Instead, I open the French door the balcony and let him sit out there.
Well, it's the start of a new week. I have a lot on, and I don't want to lose a minute this year. I am working towards making the most of this LIFE. I want fun and laughs, and work and play, love and friendship. You with me?