I have been reading the latest Psychologies mag and I'm so impressed with this issue. I read one a long time ago but wasn't blown away by it, but this one has a 16 page dossier about how to inject more fun into your life. A journalist was given the task of doing something fun every day for a week. At first she wanted to refuse the assignment but then she asked herself "when did I get too busy to have fun?", so she accepted. At first she felt quite self-conscious doing silly things but as the week progressed she realised that it was vital to make time for fun. Obviously, she says, a week doing nothing but having fun would become boring because when it's forced the enjoyment goes. However, each time she allowed herself to have fun, she felt engaged and energised.
This whole dossier really spoke to me. The more I journey through YOU University and discover my authentic self, the more I realise how life can just "get in the way" if we let it, and we don't even realise we are doing it. My authentic self is fun and carefree but serious when I need to be. I have become bogged down in worry and self-doubt and this has led to a serious sense-of-humour failure recently! Obviously, when you have to look at how you are going to pay the bills and keep a roof over your head, you are not going to do it while acting the clown, but I do think you need to maintain a balance between being serious 24h a day and having a laugh to relieve the tension. More than most, I realise how short life is and how close I came to not being here to enjoy it, so from this moment I am not only going to keep reminding myself to seize the day, I am actually going to do it.
I'm going to have more F.U.N. in 2012! Join me?