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Carolyn Rigg

Very well put Jen, couldn't have done better ;-) My 3 always had their birthday celebrations in Bernières too (since they were all born in August) and we also have many happy pictures to remind us of those times. Like you, I love seeing the usual neighbours or shop assistants and chatting with Lucette, Mme Petit or darling Dr C. I'm so glad you're making the most of it and that you've been able to spend that much time with Mummy... Love you both ! xoxoxo


Our first summer there was in 1983 & I know how much our boys love the place,they made many wonderful friends that year. A very nicely written post,ahh,nostalgia!!
Enjoy your last days & give mummy a big hug & kiss from us,now we are back home.;)


Glad you liked it. I'm afraid it made Claire cry a bit! Didn't mean to... I just wanted to get down in writing how I felt. I'll not wait another 2 years that's for sure!

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