(*ok, I probably say that about other times of the year, but I just LOVE Easter!)
I'm thinking about how I can decorate the house for Easter. It's such a lovely time of year, especially when the sun is shining like right now, and if I can bring some of that beauty inside, then it's all good.
As usual, Martha does it big-style, so I pinched a few photos from her website to illustrate this post:
bunny ears!
I've done something like this before and will probably do it this year:
I do like these découpage eggs, but it won't look the same on brown eggs, will it?
I'll no doubt be uploading the results of my little Easter decorating jag later in the week :)
As usual I'm making hot cross buns & will take a batch to mummy's on Saturday. Happy Easter xxx
Posted by: Jml | 04/20/2011 at 12:37 PM