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Hey beautiful! Lookin' gooood!!

Carolyn Rigg

Yeah, it was Luchon all right... the same place the boys and I did it: such fun!!! And yes, having you down here was just great: when are you coming back, eh? You know you're welcome any time, right?
Like the hair do, looks just right on you. Glad to see you're in a good frame of mind at the moment. I have to say I didn't enjoy that book at all, I couldn't even finish it (that's saying something from the biggest bookworm ever!) but I'm glad you liked it. Hope you enjoy the film too (I'm not even going to try it, sorry!). As you say, it's a good thing we don't all like the same things ;-)
Loads of love, sis' xoxo


Looking good! I like the cut,it suits you. I need to have my hair done & I'm going for a colour top up!! Not to cover grey but to lighten up,I'm amazed at how dark it's gone & it looks really drab!BUT I have to wait for my hairdresser to get back from holiday beginning of May.Love xxx

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