Yesterday just disappeared in the blink of an eye, without much to show for it. Let me see if I can remember what I did, as I still have trouble with my memory:
Got up around 8.30. Had breakfast of toast, peanut butter & banana and a cup of coffee.
Read some of my book, which I'm still finding fascinating, whilst cuddling with the cat.
Did some phone calls and emails for Dr O.
Claire made delicious spag bol for lunch, without prompting (I love my daughter!), so I did the washing up. Put all the dishes away after.
Folded up the clothes that were washed yesterday and still sitting in the dryer. Took them up to the bedroom and put them away.
Actually stuck my butterflies on pink pages, ready to add to my birthday album.
Took a phone call from the lady at Different Strokes about setting up the first consultation meeting about starting a support group. Very excited to be doing something positive.
Watched Junior Doctors on BBC Three, with Claire. Interesting part about A&E doctors discussing various things that had been found inserted in places they shouldn't have been, if you get my drift. My friend who used to be on reception in A&E certainly had some interesting tales to tell....
Bed by 10.30pm - but then was wide awake at 1pm. Then 2pm. But I think I slept pretty solidly after that.
Well, I had to think really hard to remember, but I got there in the end. That doesn't seem like enough to fill a whole day though, does it?
I've got to get more disciplined. The OT told me I had to use a calendar to plan out my week and I've not been doing that; rather, I've "gone with the flow". Sometimes that leads to me doing too much and flaking out, so I think it's about time I gave it another try.
In the meantime, my brave little daffs have started to bloom. They make me ridiculously happy. Took a picture with the ISO ramped right up due to the low light today, and I quite like the grainy effect it gives the photo.
I've always equated daffs with England, Spring and Easter. When I was little, in our garden in Pinner there was an area of grass near the swing that used to be a riot of daffodils at this time of year. I used to love the way the grass grew long and the flowers bloomed there.
Well, I can't sit here all day chatting. Must get on. See you!
For low light photography, get a 50mm lens F1.4. It is a fantastic lens. My new Canon is out for delivery today. Can't wait to play with it. Yeah!!!
Posted by: chrissie | 03/16/2011 at 03:02 PM
Yep, we've got that one Chrissie, and it's a dream. Only the other lens was on the camera and I couldn't be bothered to change it. Lazy, moi? lol
Posted by: Jen | 03/16/2011 at 06:11 PM
Ah, signs of Spring. I love daffodils! ;) Happy belated St. Patrick's Day!
Posted by: Maria | 03/18/2011 at 06:47 AM