Oh it's beautiful out there this morning! Slightly breezy but such wonderful sunshine. I went out in the garden and picked three daffs in bud and I've popped them in a jam jar with ribbon around it. You migh recall that my garden was blitzed last Autumn, so we have nothing much growing there now apart from these surprise bulbs that have sprung up in places.
I was joined out there by Lyle, of course, who rolled around in ecstasy on the dusty path, looking for all the world as if he was saying "look at me, I'm so cute, rub my tummy". I, of course, obliged. I can see that he's out there now, sitting directly under the bird feeders so I expect I won't have any feathered visitors for the foreseeable future...
Can't leave you without a picture so here are some narcissi from a previous year....
Oh... very pretty
Posted by: chrissie | 03/13/2011 at 12:34 AM