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Glad you've seen one,the one I saw was at Carolyn's,on the lawn. Amazing looking birds,aren't they? Polly will be very jealous as she's been wanting to see one for ages & still hasn't!!


Well well! They ARE striking, arn't they? I remember the first time I saw one (in the Cher); it looked so very different, as you say - almost exotic!


Oh wow, Jen! I have never ever even heard of one of those - let alone seen one! I would have blown a gasket! Just look at that beak!!
Bless him - I wonder if he was lost?
Hey, he maybe on his way to Devon to visit me next...
Love to you


What a fantastically handsome bird. I am going to show this to Tilly. She will totally be impressed.


How exciting! He's a cute little thing!

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