Imagine my surprise the other day, while watching the birds on the feeders, to see this fellow hop, kind of sideways, up the garden path:
(image from Google - I wasn't that quick with the camera!!)
I didn't notice a crest, but the rest was exactly right - the striking colour of the body and the stripy wings. I went straight to's bird identifier page, and it confirmed that it was a hoopoe. Apparently, they are sometimes seen as far north as Shetland, but normally only about 100 birds come to the UK every year, and that should be in the Spring. Hmm, global warming at work?! He really stood out among the sparrows, great tits, blackbirds and wood pigeons.
I'm such an anorak, I know, but I'm not alone. Posy is obsessed!!
Glad you've seen one,the one I saw was at Carolyn's,on the lawn. Amazing looking birds,aren't they? Polly will be very jealous as she's been wanting to see one for ages & still hasn't!!
Posted by: jml | 01/17/2011 at 12:54 PM
Well well! They ARE striking, arn't they? I remember the first time I saw one (in the Cher); it looked so very different, as you say - almost exotic!
Posted by: SR | 01/17/2011 at 01:50 PM
Oh wow, Jen! I have never ever even heard of one of those - let alone seen one! I would have blown a gasket! Just look at that beak!!
Bless him - I wonder if he was lost?
Hey, he maybe on his way to Devon to visit me next...
Love to you
Posted by: Posy | 01/17/2011 at 02:57 PM
What a fantastically handsome bird. I am going to show this to Tilly. She will totally be impressed.
Posted by: katyboo1 | 01/19/2011 at 10:50 PM
How exciting! He's a cute little thing!
Posted by: Cath | 01/20/2011 at 06:51 PM