Inspired by my friend Suzanne (who was inspired by a friend of hers!), I thought a little red was in order in honour of Valentine's day. I know my birthday comes before that, but red is so pretty.... Anyway, as I was in the 99p store I saw some lovely tacky stuff - and this candle. If you ignore the words "Love" that are cut out in the sides, I think it looks rather nice. As the candle burns down it will glow from the inside. Very ingenious. I printed out the red words that I downloaded from a website Suzanne sent me the link to, and popped it in a Nina Ricci frame I had lying around. Candles make everything look so cozy, don't they?
It's been a bit of a busy weekend. The boyf had an idea for streamlining the furniture in the dining room, so yesterday I prepared by moving all the china and glass out of the dresser. This morning we moved the dresser (well, the boyf did), which then allowed us to shove the tumble dryer in a less conspicuous spot. Obviously, I'd prefer it to be in the kitchen but that is so tiny with three doors off it, there really isn't the space. It's been taking up room since we moved in, but now I think we've found the best place for it.
Now, just so you don't worry (I've had some worried comments on Facebook!) I did pace myself as much as possible. I sat down at regular intervals during the process, and I left the heavy stuff to my Man (with a capital M). Tomorrow will tell, but I think I did ok.
The best thing about doing something like this is that it gives you the push you (I!) need to streamline and declutter. As I mentioned yesterday, I shredded and shredded, mindful of identity theft, and our green bin is now full. The paper recycling bin is also full of old magazines and brochures and any paper that doesn't have personal details on. Someone explain to me why the recycling people don't take shredded paper in the "paper" bin, but you can put it in with the green waste destined for the compost heap? I'm not sure of the logic in that, but hey.... I'm very civic-minded and do what I'm told :)
Right, I'm half watching the Dancing on Ice skate-off while I do this, and I think I'll go and have a bit of a lounge on the sofa before I do the washing up. Then: BED. Nite nite.