I'm sitting here looking out of the window at the most brilliant blue sky, sunshine and autumnal colours. It's just a shame it's so coooooold. How on earth did we keep warm before fleece jackets and jumpers? Probably not the most fashionable items in my wardrobe but certainly the snuggliest.
Talking of snuggly warmness, I actually did a spot of shopping last week when I was looking for a present for baby A, and I saw this (below). I immediately thought of the boyf and his work-in-progress of a basement. When it's finished it'll be a fab spot without a trace of pink (unlike the ground floor, ahem) as his favourite colour is green. OK, so it might not be this exact shade but lime is very in right now. I love these and think I might have to go back for more:
Yesterday was Tuesday arts & crafts again and we went over to help out. The people who run the activity are wonderful artists, and this week we helped the kids make pointy black witches' hats. There was lots of "sticky-backed plastic" involved and I am afraid I had to utter the immortal words "here's one I made earlier" more than once. I know, not very original! (for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, check out this link here). They also taught us how to make spiders' webs out of telephone wire and I brought mine home to finish. I find it rather pleasing to the eye.
I was totally and utterly shattered when I got home. I do not know when I'll be able to do something without saying that, and I'm sorry if I'm being repetitive, but I can't pretend everything is back to normal when it's not. Even though most of us bloggers like to portray a perfect life and home, well, that's not real life, so I try to strike a balance between a totally edited, perfect version of my life and one that won't bore you all to tears. Well, that's the hope, anyway.
One little exciting snippet is that the little blonde girl I had the pleasure of photographing recently with her baby cousin is doing her "acting" debut as a walk-on on Law and Order today. Her mum's Facebook account has pictures of her in her dressing room with her name on the door. She has her own dressing room! She is such a pretty little thing, maybe she'll be picked up by an agency, who knows? What fun. When she's famous I'll be able to say "Claire and I took her first official photographs" lol :)
Right, I know I totally had other stuff that I wanted to blog about, but can I remember? Nope, not a word. So I'll sign off now. Enjoy your day!
Glad to see that your creative side is all acivated and stuff!!! Love ya! Take care!
Posted by: SR | 10/20/2010 at 08:46 PM
Posted by: SR | 10/20/2010 at 08:47 PM