I'm in the wars, as my grandma used to say. I totally overdid it last week and decided to spend Monday resting. Yesterday was another busy day, with my penultimate session with the neuropsych in the morning and a visit to the dentist in the afternoon. Both were very fruitful: the former because we were able to address some of my more annoying issues, such as difficulty reading verbal and non-verbal cues; the latter because I now finally have a nice shiny new crown on my back molar, 2 years after I had the root canal. Considering how awful the root canal was that time, the crown slipped on nice and easily and is a great fit. What a relief! I was in two minds about removing the temporary crown that had served its purpose well, because if it ain't broke don't fix it right?
Anyway, the title of this post is due to the extreme throbbing pain in my finger that has been going on since I made dinner earlier this evening: I have psoriasis under several nails and it kinds of lifts them from the nail-bed - gross, I know. I have my nails done nice and purdy to hide how awful they look, but tonight I caught one of them as I was trying to put something in the oven, and it felt like my nail was being ripped from the finger! I can't begin to describe the pain!! I ran it under cold water, and then cut the nail down so it's no longer than the finger but it's still throbbing 4 hours later. Am very disgruntled bunny right now, and typing is not fun....
Am also very disgruntled bunny as the neighbours from hell (the ones having all the domestics) have their TV on really loud and it's booming right now. You know, that annoying base sound? Grrrr. Have I mentioned how little tolerance I have for noise since the aneurysm, huh? Have I? Cos I might have mentioned it once or twice...
I think I'll try and go to sleep now, although that may be interesting....! Nite nite :)
Ouch Jen you poor thing ((( hugs))) hope it heals quick.
Posted by: Amber-jane | 09/08/2010 at 11:24 PM