I do apologise if you've been worried about me (or is that wishful thinking?), but if ever there are huge gaps between posts it's because I'm tired and not switching on the computer as much. And I simply hate posting from the iPhone because it's fiddly and it drives me nuts. If anything else were to happen (heaven forbid) then I'm sure Claire would come on here and let you all know....
Anhoo, yes I'm tired. I won't go on about it, because I think I've probably mentioned it about a zillion times since the SAH! The good news, however, is that I've been discharged from the Rehab place, with a full report on the remaining cognitive problems I have. I tried my best in all those tests, you know, and I absolutely ACED the ant-malingering one, even though I failed the zoo-planning one and the face-recognition one. The doctor said she didn't think I was malingering at all, but she had to test me so she could prove it. I'm just glad that all the issues that have come to light are ones that I have told her about, and they all tie in with the area of the brain that was damaged.
Talking of face recognition, I popped over to see a friend at the hospital and she said that when she first came to visit me I said to her that I felt I knew her, but who was she? That really stunned me because I thought I had no problems with faces of people I knew. I still struggle when I meet people I don't know that well, or for example the drivers who used to take me to rehab - I never remembered them from an hour earlier when they came to pick me up to go home. The other day I could see this lady coming towards me and I thought, hmm, I think I know her, but it doesn't look like her. It's only when she greeted me that I recognised her voice: she had changed hair colour and had a fringe instead of her hair being off her face. It is SO weird that that is enough to change someone's features totally for me. As for the difference between Steve Jones and Gethin Jones, well....
Top: Gethin Bottom: Steve
I mean, if I look carefully I can SEE they're different when they are next to each other, but recently I thought they were one person! And no, they are not related. All they have in common is that they are Welsh and on the telly...! The most annoying is when I'm watching TV: I can get very confused by who's who in a story. All quite small things in the grand scheme of things, right?
What else was I going to tell you? Oh yes! The French market came to town and on Sunday my friend Stéphie took me to see what we could find. It was pouring and cold, and I thought we were just going to do a quick tour then back home. My friend had other plans, and we ended up having to walk down to the bottom of town (probably only a 6 minute walk!) by which time I was exhausted and a bit tearful. We sat and had a coffee with Claire near her work, and then came home. I know I keep pushing myself, but I didn't want to take the mobility scooter for once because deep down I feel that might be "giving in" or something. Now I KNOW it's the right thing to do if I'm going to spend more than 5 minutes in town. Oh well, you live and learn. Our favourite stall was the boulangerie patisserie, but we were very restrained and got one each, including one for the boyf....
I've got my glad rags on because it's open evening at my friend's gym, and a taxi will be here in a minute. I really want to go for moral support! Nite nite everyone!