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Hi Jen - I also watched 'the young ones' and found it quite difficult viewing. I felt the whole tone of the programme was rather patronising; I found it hard because I related so closely to so many of the problems these 'elderly' people were suffering; and most particularly because I got Very Angry at the way the people with strokes were being treated - these people had had brain injuries - you and I know just how tired that can make you - the programme makers didn't, I think, take any account of that at all - the whole emphasis seemed to be on making an effort and, as it were, thinking yourself young again. Not that easy to do after a brain injury, is it? It is a long, hard slog. . .


Blah!;D Well... those days happen! I like the sound of that chair-gym class - great!
Just continue listening to yourself, and taing care.... :)


Hey darling... post some blah blah. Luv Ya!

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