I mean, I know we've had some nice weather recently, but you really wouldn't think it was the start of Wimbledon on Monday with the weather we've had today. It's not toooooo bad out, but it's absolutely freezing and my toes will just not warm up! I'm wearing trousers and a jumper for goodness sake!
Anyway, this is what Lyle thought of Dr Who tonight:
Bless him! He's such a cuddly thing. He was stretching and digging his claws in the back of the sofa, and enjoying tummy rubs. The other night this is what he thought of the football...
Funny boy! (pics from the iPhone - if I get up to go and get a camera he'll move...)
On another note, I saw that Sarah Von was looking for people to interview. Although I didn't fit into any of the categories she had thought of, I emailed her to ask if she'd be interested in my SAH story. She said it was right up her street, so I've answered her questions and maybe it'll make an appearance on her blog, yesandyes, one day. I'll keep you posted :)
Right, I'm off to make myself another cup of coffee in an attempt to warm up. Brrrrr.
Such cute coziness with the cat. Perhaps you weather was in Sympathy for us in Australia. Currently 6degrees C outside.
Posted by: Delcie | 06/28/2010 at 01:38 PM