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My love,It's wonderful to hear you're progressing with physio etc. But don't rush things,it will be a big shock when you actually get home(& very nice!)You really need as much TIME (there, I've said it again) as possible to get truly well. I remember how I felt when I got home after only one week,I couldn't even shower myself & Bernard had to help me. he even made a showerseat for me!!! Take each day as it comes,don't rush your recovery. In a different situation think of Nicholas & what he's going through. Love you xoxoxox


Well,I second JML's comments, of course, and will add: in your determination to progress, you're showing the true grit of being your mother's daughter, eh?!
Take care, be well, and crossing fingers that you'll be home again soon... for Recovery: Phase II ;-)


We're all so happy, especially LYLE!

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