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Glad you had a lovely day Jen - hope you get to go home soon xxx

Jane (Brodders)

You know Jen even after 50 years or so my Mum still says her scar gets cold and has to wear a hat in the winter when its very cold !
Was going to ask how Claire is doing and coping ?
You know there will be rumpurs arife with Dr O bringing you little gifts :)
Just take it easy and try not to push yourself too hard my dearest xx


It's ok Brods: Dr O is the lovely lady consultant I work for. (although hmm that doesn't mean there couldn't still be rumours lol)


Hi Jen, so pleased to read you're on the mend and you hope to go home this week. Fingers crossed for you, it must seem like forever since you were last home. xxxxx


Jen Don says his scars hurt when the wind is cold too .

Glad you had a good day with claire , i hope she is doing okay.

Fingers crossed about you going home soon , i curse that i cant drive .

Be good

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