What bliss! When I first got into my bed Friday night I couldn't believe how comfortable it was and how snuggly the duvet was after the thin hospital blanket. It's just so lovely to be home but all I've done so far is lie on the sofa with Lyle, reading and watching tv, or napping in that wonderfully comfy bed. I can make it up the stairs easily, well it's a good job there is a handrail... but I'm glad I have perch stools in the bathroom and kitchen: I can sit to brush my teeth, and this morning I was able to make my own coffee and toast. Yesterday I had a shower but I had to cut it short and get out quick to sit down. An effort like that leaves me panting like I've had a good work out in the gym!
I'm trying not to worry about the lump but it's sore and uncomfortable. Someone on the Aneurysm Support forum said he had one for six months so I guess I just have to live with it.
Hope you are having a good weekend!
Ahh the comfort of your own bed - bliss :)
Posted by: Jane (Brodders) | 03/21/2010 at 11:27 AM