It's Friday and there's a lot to do, but first I'll reply to my sis who commented that she didn't get what the Cath Kidston fuss was all about. The woman (Cath, not my sister!) has made a fortune bringing out replica vintage fabrics and other paraphernalia. So what IS it about her? I must admit I don't love all her range, but I do have a fondness for chintzy fabrics that I think dates back to my childhood - I loved the fabric on my grandparents' three piece suite. As I remember it, it was a faded rose pattern, and it's just my "Madeleine de Proust" although in this case it's not an aroma but it's visual... I think all this "make do and mend" vintage fashion has come back because of the recession: it's become a crime to spend money on stuff you could make yourself, or to throw out socks instead of darning them. Also, when times are tough people like to hark back to a gentler time, their childhood perhaps. I'm not sure why, but it sure is a craze right now. Everyone's knitting and crocheting granny blankets - and there's another thing. I used to HATE crochet blankets but I covet some of the ones on this flickr pool. Not all of them, by any means, but there are some modern, brightly coloured ones that are gorgeous. I am not so keen on the muddy coloured ones that really were made with odd bits of yarn rather than specially purchased skeins!
Right, I'm just waiting for the boyf to get out of the bathroom (I swear that man spends more time in there than me - only this morning he said it took a long time to look "this good" LOL), and then we've got lots of errands to run; then I'm off to have my nails done and this evening I'm having drinks with the girls from my ex-work.
I hate to do a post without a picture, so here's an old one for you.

Thanks for explaining so nicely. Do you remember Mémé de Colllegien's crochet blankets?I still have at least two!! I've been knitting stuff all my married life & still am. As for darning socks (& jumpers) I'm still doing that too!!
Posted by: jackie,Eure et Loir | 10/31/2009 at 08:42 AM
I do loves me a bit of Cath. Not so keen on the funky prints and I really don't do red for some bizarre reason. Love her chintzy stuff but the prices not so much.
Sounds like your new venture is going well and I'm so pleased for you.
Happy Saturday xxx
Posted by: Maria | 10/31/2009 at 11:33 AM