Sunday dawned bright and sunny, which, considering the forecast, was a lovely surprise. The Russian had plans to go somewhere with his classmates, so F and I went swimming. We were the only people in the pool, which was lovely! Shame it closes tomorrow for the rest of the summer. It was rather grimy, though, so it does need a good revamp and it'll be even lovelier in September!
After lunch F agreed to help me in the garden, so he strimmed the grass while I pulled up as many weeds as I could. Now the garden looks a lot better although it's not exactly manicured!! We had been hoping (and I still do) to extend the house, so there was/is no point landscaping a garden that's going to have builders' rubble dumped in it. Still, if you squint it doesn't look half bad.
The back (where the foxes live) is overrun with brambles, so we picked enough blackberries for me to make apple and blackberry crumble for dinner. A breeze when you have crumble mix still in the freezer! It'll be a shame to lose the blackberry bushes, but boy do they spread!! We need to cut them back so that we can still access the back lane, but I suppose they'll have to stay like that a while longer.
F has a love of chocolate digestives, so we opened a packet. And then the packet got, er, slightly ripped when I tried to pick it up to study the photo on the side...
Oh dear, said F, we'll have to eat all the way down to here. LOL! (We didn't actually, so we were rather restrained).
So, it's now late, the Russian has gone to bed, F is bedding down too - his last night on cushions on the floor. Tomorrow he is off to stay with cousins in Bristol and when he gets back the Russian will be gone so he can have Claire's room. I'm sure he's relieved. Mel, if you're reading this, he's a lovely boy and a credit to you both. He can come back anytime.
Back to the grindstone in the morning, so I'd better call it a day. Nite nite.
I love the way you say 'The Russian' !!!!
Posted by: lyzzydee | 08/02/2009 at 11:46 PM
Hope the Russian isn't too much trouble and I'm glad you're having a good time with the good kids :)
Posted by: Claire | 08/03/2009 at 02:37 PM
Hi Jen - so sorry to hear you had swine flu but glad you're all better.
I just love those French Fancies in your blog header, lol! They were my favourite cakes growing up!
Posted by: Paula S | 08/04/2009 at 02:47 PM