I'm loving the quiet of the house, and I'm making the absolute MOST of it! This afternoon, after my chores were done, I sat in the garden with a book, a cuppa and the company of our gorgeous Lyle. Because the garden is slightly on the wild side (ahem!) it attracts lots of insects, and every so often he'd take a flying leap at one. Luckily he missed every time. I say luckily, because I'm always worried when he tries to eat wasps...
Back in the house, I look around in despair at all there is to do. I haven't got the right paint to finish the shoe cupboard; it's had a coat of primer and a coat of Dulux white but really it needs some satinwood or something.
I am making a plan of what I can do with very little money: first, pull up the carpets in the hall; paint the ceiling and walls of said hall, and put up some coat hooks and vintage mirrors; paint the front door on the inside, and also the skirting boards and floor; find something pretty to cover the door window with - I'm thinking something embroidered or with a bit of lace on the bottom.
Then it's on to the bathroom: again, pull up the carpet and paint the floor; whitewash all the orange pine on the ceiling, the louvre doors where the boiler is and the panelling up to the dado rail. I've found that Plastikote do tile paint, so as I hate our tiles I could spray them white.
All I'd have to do then is paint the two walls above the dado, and tart up our bathroom cabinet which I've had since Claire was a baby and it was second-hand then! As most of the bathroom will end up white, I'm going for colour on the two walls, just so it's not too bland and boring.
There's plenty to do after that, but those are things I could get started on soon. I want to hurry, though, because we are off to France in September, hopefully, and then I've got to get down to the painful business of earning some money!
I can't believe time has flown by - Claire finishes here stint at Camp on Thursday (her birthday). After that, she's off to NYC for a few days, and she arrives home on TUESDAY!! When she gets home, we'll be celebrating her birthday, and she's going to have a nice hot shower, a haircut, and a nice long sleep in her own bed. Oh, and some quiet time alone. She hasn't had any time alone for 9 weeks and she's not used to that at all.
Well, I'm off to bed. Hope you are all well where you are.
I know what you mean, trying to get it all done on a budget. But that's part of the beauty.... Can lead to real creativity! :)
Posted by: Home exchange | 08/19/2009 at 03:48 PM
It's not so much about having a hot shower as it is a BATH. Oh my gosh I miss being able to have a bath.
Posted by: claire | 08/19/2009 at 08:45 PM