Can you hear that? No? Precisely - it's called SILENCE and it's GOLDEN because I have the house to myself! The Russian is gone (more on him in a minute), my nephew and the boyf are still away, so it's just me and the cat.
So, about the Russian. Well his last day was fun. He had said that he wanted to stay out on his last night after the farewell disco and barbecue, and I said that was ok and I understood but he had to keep in touch. As I hadn't heard anything by 11pm I tried calling him, but couldn't actually get a ring tone till 11.30pm, so when he answered I asked if everything was ok and would he be home soon. He said I don't know. I asked would he be back before midnight, he said I don't know, I will try. I said that was not good enough because I wanted to go to bed. He replied.... I have a key. Red rag to bull anyone? I reminded him he is only just 16 and the Student Booklet says 16 and 17 yr olds must be in by 11.30pm on weekends and 10.30pm during the week. Anyway we kind of left it at that and I went upstairs to use the computer. At 00.18am he rattled the letterbox, and I ignored him. Then he rang the bell insistently so I went down to open up and ask where his key was. "I have lost my bag" he says. Oh my! His taxi was coming at 8am that morning to go to the airport!! "Is your passport in that bag??" I asked. Luckily, it wasn't but it had my spare key, his folder of schoolwork, his Russian dictionary and a purse containing maybe 40 quid in it.
Anyway, he started asking me to call and find it! At which point I kind of lost it and said in no uncertain terms that I couldn't do anything about it till morning and that they'd just have to send it to his home in Russia. I also asked him if he knew the meaning of the word "disrespectful', which he said he did.... Hmmm. Not convinced, and despite his repeated protestations about "what my bag?" etc (to be read in thick Russian accent, and meaning what ABOUT my bag?), I sent him off to bed.
I must have fallen asleep the moment my head hit the pillow because at 1am I was jerked from a deep slumber by the phone and it was his little friend Nikita (boy) who was calling to speak to him. I was like "NIkita? Where on earth are you? Why are you calling so late?", and then "Roman is asleep, GO TO BED!!!!". And I fell asleep again like a flash.
At 6.30am I knocked on R's door, and his answer? "What my bag??" "WHAT THE F????" more like!! (excuse my French!). I told him I'd texted the coordinator and that we had to wait for her to get up as she was probably still asleep. I went down, made his packed lunch for the journey, slightly peeved that I'd gone to the trouble to get nice stuff for his last ever snack, and baking a fresh baguette for one of his sandwiches. When he was dressed he came down and I asked if he wanted toast. "No. What my bag?". Aaaargh!
To cut a long story short, I got the bus company number, rang them, they couldn't find it and R was finally told he'd just have to wait and see if it got found and would be forwarded to him. I gave him a gift for the family (Earl Grey tea -he drinks a lot of tea- and a miniature London bus and taxi) and his cab came at 8, we said goodbye, no hugs or kisses (yuk) and he was G.O.N.E.
Guess what I did? Yep I went back to bed and slept till lunchtime!!!!
So that's the saga of The Russian Boy Who Is Obviously Spoilt And Has No Manners. The End.
Oh boy, wouldn't have wanted to trade places with you for the world! I just hope your address wasn't in his "what my bag"! It will be a pleasure to welcome your well-behaved offspring back, I'm sure.
Posted by: Joan | 08/08/2009 at 10:30 PM
I just typed in a word into google translate and obviously I don't know how to put it with English letters so; ублюдок!!!
I bet you can't wait to have me back ;)
Posted by: Claire | 08/09/2009 at 01:58 PM