I am really enjoying my week off. Monday morning was brilliant - when both the boyf and R the young Russian had gone to work and school respectively, I sat and savoured the quiet of the morning. I could have cried, honestly! It's so nice not to have to be anywhere at any particular time. Well, nearly, as I still had a doctor's appointment to go to but still, it's not like commuting to work, is it? I have a rebellious streak that's been bubbling away beneath the surface recently. Kind of "I wonder what would happen if i just went home now?" when I'm in the office. "What's stopping me?"... well, the fact I might lose my job is the obvious reason why I haven't followed through on that, lol, but it's been there in my mind. A definite sign I needed a holiday, I reckon!
So, backtracking a little, R the Russian boy arrived early Sunday morning. After lunch he wanted to meet up with his friend N who is staying with another family in town, so we arranged with his host family to meet in the town centre. The boys went off to do whatever it is teenage boys do around town, and I went off to run a few errands. He's settling in well, but it's a big change from Claire, because so far he's gone out "for walk" every day after school whereas Claire was like me at the same age, a big homebody who would rather stay in. So THIS is what it's like to have a teenager!! (joke!). Also different is the fact that I have to make his packed lunch, whereas Claire would most often do that herself. Ah, I did a good job there - she's the best daughter one could wish for!
Talking of Claire, she says she wants to spend some time in NY with a new Dutch friend after camp, which is nice. She is also looking really well, as she sent me a lovely picture someone took of her. I'll ask her if I can post it....
Well, must rush. I'm off to St Albans with my French friend S in a bit, so I'd better sign off. Byeeeee!
yes, you can post it :)
Posted by: claire | 07/15/2009 at 09:33 PM
Wow, how exciting for Claire.
Enjoy the rest of your week off.
Happy Thursday xxx
Posted by: Maria | 07/16/2009 at 07:56 PM