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Prep for French Mothers' Day seemed really low-key this year. P-Liam and all Matthew's bandmates were thrown into a panic when told today would be the day... everywhere in the world, except France, where it's actually June 7th, the week before Fathers' Day. How lame is that? Guess I owe Mummy an explanation for the card she got yesterday...

The Vintage Kitten

Ooh lots of pretty things. Im a huge fan of Laura Ashley. Its ages since Ive been in BHS but I think I will have to have a look, as I like Cath Kidston, but not her prices. Hope you had a lovely day X
P.S I will try to post more LOL! X


You have found some lovelty bits, I am having a new bathroom and I think I'll kit it out with some spotty stuff. I have been picking up spotty china at boot sales, its so pretty.

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