Gosh, time flies when you're having fun... This morning, as the boyf walked out the front door looking glum I said "Smile! It's Friday!". Hmmm, no wonder he looked at me as if I was mad. And that really depressed me, to find out I had another day to go before the weekend lol!
Anyway, this is just a quickie to say yes, I'm fine. Had a busy-ish day at the office, including a site visit of the Barbican and lunch at a nice restaurant. Not very Slimming World-friendly, but I tried not to go mad. And we walked EVERYWHERE so I hope we burned some calories. Shame I was limping along, having had a flare-up of the arthritis. Maybe it's the rainy weather making it worse?
I couldn't wait to slump down on the sofa when I got in, and after dinner we watched Grey's Anatomy (*sob!*), and then caught the tail end of this documentary about a 13 year old devout Christian that had us reeling. Poor girl led a very sheltered life and was totally brainwashed. She kept going on about us all being wretched sinners and how we were all going to hell. What a sad way to live your life, worrying about what a bad person you are - oh yes, SHE's had her sins forgiven by Jesus, but she still believes she's an unworthy "wretched" person. Pretty much the opposite of what I've been taught by the Catholic church. Watching it, I was reminded that extremism in ANY form is just plain wrong.
Well, you didn't come to my blog to read an essay on religion, so I'll close now by saying that there is still plenty going on behind the scenes that I can't blog about, but nothing's moving in any direction at the moment. Boooooring! LOL! Hope you all have a good night and sweet dreams.