I can't say much right now, but oh my goodness I need all your positive vibes and prayers that a particular career move comes off. I can't wait to tell you more, but you'll have to be a tiny bit patient. All I'll say is, it would involve moving to another country! I know!!! Exciting or what? It's just too perfect, I don't want to jinx it, and I don't want to get carried away until I know more. If it doesn't come off, then I can tell you about it later and we can all have a good laugh about how Jen another one of her grand ideas, but it's looking very positive right now, so fingers (and everything else) crossed. I haven't even told my family apart from the Other Half and Delightful Darling Daughter, who are, um, well, slightly affected by such a move, he he! Luckily, they support me all the way.
Fingers crossed. I hope that your dream comes true.
Posted by: christine laing | 02/20/2009 at 03:11 AM
Fingers crossed then - and breath bated!!
Posted by: SR | 02/20/2009 at 10:33 AM