I did my bit today. I took a day off work and went to help out at the hospital where I used to work. Dr O, the second consultant in my old department, is in charge of postgrad education and had organised some exams for the final year med students. Today I was an actress: I was on the "ethics and law" station, and I had to pretend to be a diabetic who has "lack of awareness of hypos" and who insists on driving regardless. I was allowed to get angry and defensive. Well, I'm just too mild mannered to do that, but I was a adamant I wasn't going to tell the DVLA I had a problem and I threatened to stop taking my insulin to avoid having hypos! The sad thing is, this is probably something doctors see in clinic all the time. I did borrow a saying from my dear old dad, may he rest in peace: "I've been diabetic since before you were born, so I think I know better than you" blah blah blah. I remember my mother telling me that one!
Anyway, it was lovely because not only did I see all the old faces, but I got to chat with Dr O between patients because she was the examiner in my room. Usually I get another Consultant from the same hospital, or a visiting doctor. We had a good old chin-wag, and it was great.
After lunch, which the hospital laid on, I rushed back to see if I had an appointment in London or not. Turns out it was cancelled so I just got to hang out at home, reading magazines and relaxing, then DD and I went out to Asda to get a bit of food shopping. Boy, I'm glad I usually shop online: how DOES one walk past rows and rows of goodies and not give in? It's only 'cos we're on a budget that I am finding it easy to stick to the healthy stuff, ha ha!
So, tonight I've thrown together a veggie soup (my staple in this season, any veg I have just goes in it and then I whizz it up all smooth and we sprinkle gruyère on it), and I'm all warm and toasty and ready for a quiet evening in.