That's my latest motto. Up until now, I've been a terrible procrastinator. I say "up until now" because I'm trying to avoid saying/writing "limiting beliefs", i.e. I refuse to write "I am a..." if it's something negative. It works for me, anyway. So, this is the latest book I'm reading. We're going to see more ACTION around here, believe me!
In the seven steps the author outlines at the beginning (decide what you want, write it down, set a deadline etc etc), my main focus will be on step no. 7 because it's where I always fall down: RESOLVE TO DO SOMETHING EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT MOVES YOU TOWARDS YOUR MAJOR GOAL. Never miss a day. See, I have goals, I write them down, I even set deadlines, but then life always has a tendency to get in the way. Having a week off work has been brilliant for focusing the mind, and I can see how easy it is to drift from day to day and week to week until all of a sudden another year has passed. I always say life is too short, well, now it's time to do something about it. Apparently "it has been said for many years that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through that day with the satisfaction of knowing that it is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long". Hence the title of the book, Eat That Frog. What frog are YOU going to eat today?