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christine laing

Don't beat yourself up. Life's too short.
You've done a great job raising DD. She is a fine young woman. Sweet dreams darling. Bisous. Moi


I just discovered your blog via plump pudding and just had to leave a comment on this post as it I can totally understand how you feel about the commuting thing. I have just moved out to Oxfordshire to live with my boyfriend but am still working in central London until I find something nearer home and the commute is driving me crazy. You are not alone in feeling like you get nothing done with your evenings. Luckily my boyfriend cooks dinner but I'm not home until nearly eight so by the time we've eaten, washed up etc I feel there is little time left before bed. I don't think many people manage long commutes and much else so you shouldn't feel you're alone in letting the commute get to you.

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