The things teenagers make you do! I was enjoying Donna Downey's blog, well video log, and DD was watching with me and said I had to do a video response. I thought I'd humour the child so that's what we did. It's dark in here so the quality isn't that good, but it was fun. And DD knows how to edit so the worst bits got cut out anyway. If you are curious to see the video, it's on my YouTube account.... here, but I warn you, it's not pretty!
This morning I got up early (on a Saturday!) to go and help out at the hospital for the St George's exams. I'm a case history - sometimes they use my real history of thyroid problems, sometimes I get to "act", like I did today. It's fun, you get free snacks and lunch, AND they pay you LOL. After that, I took DD shopping with my hard-earned cash to buy her some clothes as she really hasn't had anything new for ages and ages. She got a hoodie, some jeans and a white vest top. Next stop will be the shoe shop... Kids! They don't get cheaper as they grow older, do they??
So - I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow I plan a nice lazy day. I can't work in the garden because the weather has turned cold, wet and grey, and I still have a nasty wheezy cough and sore throat, so it'll be feet up with a magazine I think. Unless I can get motivated to do some scrapping.....
Nite nite!
Cor, Jen, the silence is deafening! Is everything okay?
Posted by: Joan | 05/25/2008 at 12:37 PM