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And I will be cheering you on all the way, Jen - any support I can give, I will :) xx

Paula Sealey

I made the decision to make this the year I shift the weight too, although I'm doing mine alone, and getting on ok at the moment. Good luck to you:)

Oh, and congrats on getting all your photos published, great stuff!


Jen- So far 2008 seems to be a good year for you. Keep your chin up, it will all fall into place. Your pictures are beautiful, just like the photographer. Make sure that you loose your weight before "the change" because after that it will be a lot harder. Gros bisous - Moi


If i can do it jen then you can. I have zero willpower! I started running and once i started losing i didn't want to snack as much.
best of luck sweetheart

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