Well it's SO lovely to feel absolutely NORMAL again! When I feel under the weather I always get depressed, I get a "I'll never feel well again woe is me" kind of feeling. I wasn't unwell as such but I obviously reacted badly to the anaesthetic, so it's nice to know it eventually works its way out of the system. I was told it can take up to two weeks and it certainly did with me.
Anyway, the house is tidy, the kitchen smells lovely because I've made chicken jambalaya, and I'm waiting for my friend T to come for lunch with her 6 month old boy. Shame DD went and took her camera with her to see her friend :( I'll just have to use my point and shoot.
In the meantime, I was looking for something on "youtoob" and came across this. It made me laugh and I can't wait for the seasonal fun that the Beeb always put on TV.... Aaah, l'humour anglais!
Hi there Jen....sooooo so happy to know you are on the mend. So very happy indeed :)
If England was just an itsy bitsy closer I would stop by to give you a huge HUG and tell you how very happy I am for your recovery!
Posted by: Maria | 10/19/2007 at 04:39 PM