I wish I was a raconteur (or raconteuse if we are being pedantic). I had such a lovely weekend, and it sounds so flat if I try and put it down in writing. My nephew is working in London for a month, so my brother, sister-in-law and niece came over for the weekend to see him, which meant that we could catch up and hang out. They arrived Saturday afternoon and by dinner time we had ordered in pizza for the kids and Indian for the grown-ups. The OH got here just in time, and we ate, watched the rugby and chatted and generally had a lovely, lovely time.
Next morning I woke up feeling very tired and generally run down, and thought I'd have to spend the day in bed, but by the time I'd had a shower, coffee and toast, I was feeling up to going out. We met up with the family and Sue (an old friend from when my family used to live in England) at a local pub/restaurant for lunch (thank you again, N and J!!!) DD took loads of pictures in the restaurant - none of them flattering to me unfortunately LOL, and then we went for a little walk to find a place where we could take some family pictures. We managed to get my OH in a couple of them, which is a veritable FEAT, I can tell you!
Anyway, they left this morning, and after doing some washing and general tidying up we had a quick lunch. After that, as DD had a friend over and they were on the PC, I settled down on my bed with many pillows and my vintage eiderdown and the O magazines that my SIL left for me, and generally had some "me" time. It did me a power of good.
This is how my week is going to pan out: Tomorrow I have to go up to London for a long-overdue appointment with a new rheumatologist. I'll be interested to see if I get very tired, as I am finding it is taking me quite a while to get over the anaesthetic. Wednesday another friend of mine is coming over, with her 6 month old son, and she wants to bring me lunch. I am truly blessed to have such lovely, generous friends! Thursday I have my post-operative appointment with the surgeon, and hopefully will get the results of the biopsy. That leaves Friday free and just 2 more days before I go back to work. I think by then I will definitely be feeling up to it. Well, I hope so, anyway!
So, before I go off to my bed, I'll leave you with a couple of the pictures....
The lovely place where we ate - we used to live round the corner from this place, and I love the olde worlde feeling of this small town.
The sign out back. Ignore the awful grammar and spelling and just enjoy the sentiment!
DD caught the OH unawares...
The Other Half, myself (this one's for you Wittine!) and the Darling Daughter
You might notice the chokehold I have on him to prevent him getting away LOL. I can't quite believe it's been 9 years this month that we've been together. DD came up to our chests back then but now she towers over us - she must have been standing on a different level to us for the photo!
And lastly, one a friend posted on our forum. Just for laughs.