Goodness - what a week. For some reason it has seemed dreadfully long. This morning I got up bright and early to get the 7.45am shuttle to hospital for my pre-operative assessment. It all went well, and I was pronounced hale and hearty and ready for the surgeon's knife on 4th Oct. I didn't get to work till noon, and by 3pm it felt like I'd had a veeeeery looooong day! Still, I have had feedback from my boss and another colleague that the off-site meetings went well, and this afternoon I had another call from the nice hotel lady, who thanked me for all my help. I thought it should be the other way around, to be honest - poor woman was on-site and got asked to change one thing after another.... She made me promise to drop in on her if I ever venture back down to that area of France (which isn't too far-fetched, seeing as it's a beautiful place and my sister isn't that far).
So now I'm just tying up loose ends at the office before going home and having a week off. I'm without the internet at home until the end of the month probably, so I won't be updating, but I'll be sure to tell you all about my week off when I return! I hope to be doing some scrapping and some photography and just making the most of some down time.
Hello Jen
Just a quick note to say best of luck to you with the surgery. I will be thinking of you in the USA and will also check up on you as well. I plan on coming back to Europe next year. Get well soon and be ready to play just like we used to in the good old days.. Let's see who can stay up the longest. Gros bisous; lots of Love from your forever friend Chrissie pka "Wittine
Posted by: Chrissie (pka | 09/21/2007 at 08:19 PM
Jen, Glad you have been declared ready for the chop, I expect you just want it done with now, I know that feeling. I hope it all goes well!!We'll catch up with a coffee sometime soon!!
Posted by: Liz | 09/22/2007 at 01:43 PM