Ho hum, not feeling particularly cheerful today. Although I got the great news yesterday that my surgery has been brought forward to next Thursday, I'm actually more worried about it than I admit to myself. Also had a little financial set back that I could have done without. Plus, don't bother coming to my house, because the poor cats are covered in fleas (ok, slight exaggeration). We use Frontline on them and due to the postal strike we hadn't received the new supply. Oh boy - I've been bitten like you wouldn't believe. I must be very sweet and tasty. DD and OH have about 2 bites between them while my legs look like I've got chicken pox :( Luckily, the parcel arrived today and within 24 hours we should see the difference.
On a happier note, I got my first CHEQUE as a photographer! Little baby L's mum and dad were so thrilled with their pictures they insisted on paying me, and said to use it either for the business (sounds so grown up) or to buy DD something nice. Well, as said DD's birthday is this coming Monday I might very well do the latter. I'll have to pop to the shops on Saturday, but sshhhh! she reads this blog.
Hey well done on getting your first business payment!
Here's to many more
Posted by: Samantha | 08/16/2007 at 02:12 PM
Hope tomorrow is better for you!
Posted by: Adrienne | 08/17/2007 at 03:30 AM