Phew! So glad THAT's over. This week was Board Meeting week, and slightly stressful. In fact, I have had a headache for over 2 days... but on top of that several bits of bad news this week, including my poor mum having to say goodbye to her dog yesterday. The dog that I got her after my dad died. She was 14 - not a bad age eh? Anyway, it seems it was a rather traumatic passing, but my mum seems perfectly fine about it over the phone. I hope she's ok really. Whisky has been quite a companion all these years. Thing is, I bought a "vintage" fridge magnet for her in Rye, it has a picture of the Black & White whisky advert on it, and the dog was called Whisky for that reason. I thought she'd like it, but it's all the more poignant now the dog has gone. I also got some Dutch "Droste" chocolate brought over from Rotterdam yesterday, and a video I want to send, so it'll be a little care package for her to look forward to.
The week isn't quite over, but today was a lot better. And I came home to some post! My moo cards arrived. Very quick, I must say. I'm dead pleased with them. Some of them I made with pictures from Claire's picture folder, so you can see a couple of the gorgeous Jared Leto, and one of pairs of Converse, but the rest are all my own work. On the back they have my name and email and a quote " Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it". I love them :)
Anyway, off to bed - I'm cream crackered after a night of migraine and my bed is calling. Peace.
So sorry to hear about the doggy, it's very hard losing a pet!!
Posted by: Cath | 05/27/2007 at 11:30 PM