I'm so excited about the future! I have so much going round in my head at the moment, all creative stuff. When did I stop making and start being a corporate bod? My job is fine, I enjoy it, but all day I have to stop myself dreaming about little projects that are bobbing to the surface of my mind. And then when I get home, I'm generally too tired to do anything about it. But that is all changing. For starters, I really enjoyed making stuff at Christmas and I have loads of ideas of things I want to make. So I ordered some little woven labels yesterday, to stamp my mark on my creations. And at the moment I'm uploading photos to make some moo cards, which I've coveted for so long, but not got around to doing. Plus, I'm excited about the prospect of this house finally being made to look the way I want it - although that means living in chaos for a while. It's all for a good cause. Can't wait to make the basement into my craft room, too.
Also, there's a lot of talk about "the secret", which I had been meaning to find out about. Today I was reading Kirsty's blog and there was a link on there. When I investigated, I found out it all stems from a book written nearly 100 years ago, so I downloaded it from Wikipedia and read most of it on the way home, and it was like a lightbulb going on over my head. To cut a long story short, the way I see it, it's all about positive thinking. Something my mother said to me all my life. And something she is putting into practice now, since her stroke. She is fantastic! Lots of little things seemed to fall into place tonight - so I'm on a high. Watch this space, eh?
And tomorrow, well I'm off on a "fam trip" on the Orient Express, including delicious meals and a trip to Rye. Lots of photo opps I hope.
Here's hugs to all those hurting/sick/waiting for test results (special hugs, Amy-Bah!). I'm sending positive vibes to y'all. Peace.
Creativity is essential for life...can't wait to see your creations come to life :)
Posted by: Maria | 05/18/2007 at 06:10 AM