I'm at work and DD is at home. So I'm busy and DD keeps sending me emails... this is the conversation today that made me Laugh Out Loud for real. I do love her :)
Me: I was looking at Etsy and I def want to sell some canvases – you know, big macro pictures of flowers etc. We have to buy some so we can take some pics, with the tripod. Beautiful close ups. Bright colours. Can you think about it for me? Do it even, and we’ll split the profits?
Her: you can be the business manager or something, and i'll take the pictures. i'm crap with business. i'm so screwed for when i want to run my own /:
Me: OK! LOL it’ll be R... & Daughter Photographs Limited then…..
Her: We're going to have to rethink that name, if im honest
Me: Well, yeah, you could find something snazzier. Mariposa Photography
Her: that would only work if we were italian and butterfly buffs. or at least took pictures of butterflies. i'd feel like a big fake. i can see it now;
random person: "so, what does mariposa mean?"
me: "it's butterfly in italian."
random person: "oh really? so you're italian? that's cool..."
me: "um... no, we're not."
random person: "so why are you called something italian?"
me: "we just liked how it sounded..."
random person: "oh my god, that is so low. god, i'm not gonna buy your photos now!" *toddles off*
i have a week off, i'm sure i can think of something halfway decent.
Course, then I had to inform her that mariposa is Spanish. But she made my day, anyway!