I can't believe I actually get to work early most days! Luckily we only start at 9.30 because I have quite a commute, but as I hate being late I build a bit of time into my journey to allow for delays - this is the Tube we are talking about! I have to say, though, that it hasn't been as nightmarish as I had feared. The trains have improved since I last commuted in 2000... Anyway, this morning it was chilly but sunny, and one of my colleagues told me that this coffee was, in her view, nicer than the one I usually drink; so I gave it a whirl. And I must admit their croissants are warm and dee-lish! I had a very pleasant breakfast looking at the river before sighing to myself and going up to my office LOL.
The day was spent trying to get somewhere to watch the football. Still. And then I rushed off at 5.30 to buy a present for my friend's new baby (pictures Saturday !!!), before popping in to get some supper... (expensive, but the closest grocery store to home) and then flopping into a cab (my arthritis is really bad these days) to go home.
Hmmm. There are a lot of brackets in that paragraph - obviously my writing skills need honing! Nite all!
Hi Jen, sorry I haven't been around. Life getting in the way again. Glad all seems to be relatively normal. So many links.......so little time!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Posted by: Sally | 04/27/2007 at 06:56 AM