Sitting here trying to ignore the fact that my toes are freezing. So are my fingers, come to think of it. And the heating is on ok, so it shouldn't really be that bad. Can't believe the clocks go forward on Sunday. Spring is here :)
I am so peeved that the great Donna Downey and Stacy Julian will be in Watford next weekend (within spitting distance I tell you!) and I won't be meeting them. In their wisdom the organisers of the event have declined to offer a day delegate rate. I'm sorry, but I'm not spending nearly 300 quid of my hard earned cash to spend a weekend in a hotel a mile away from my house! So short-sighted of them, is all I will say. Did I say this in an earlier post? If I did, you'll just have to excuse me and put the senility down to old age....
On the other hand, an even GREATER personality will also be in Watford next week - and that is my big sis. The one who works at Target. I know, I know, don't all get angry at me, I'm just her sister!! I don't get any freebies, honest :) She is coming to London for business, so she will spend one night here with us. It's always fun when she comes to stay. I just love my family...
OOh, and I have discovered Rosie O's blog, here. She is great - very outspoken, and getting so much flak for it, I have to admire her strength of character. I don't know why, but I've always felt I look like her. So if ever there was a film to be made about my life, it would be played by Rosie O and Wes Snipes... Think about it:
(in fact Wayne has a sweater and coat EXACTLY like these!!)
I rest my case.