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Oh for goodness sakes! Did I forget a birthday again? Sheeesh! what am I like.

Your friends house looks fab!

Hope things work out for you.

Heather (in Scotland)

What a bummer about your bonus being classed as an error and taken back! :-o (I assume you can set up some sort of payment plan, rather than have it all taken away at once?)

What a sad story about little Molly, having so much character but dying last year. :( Sounds like she was a positive influence on everyone she came into contact with.

Heather (in Scotland)

What a bummer about your bonus being classed as an error and taken back! :-o (I assume you can set up some sort of payment plan, rather than have it all taken away at once?)

What a sad story about little Molly, having so much character but dying last year. :( Sounds like she was a positive influence on everyone she came into contact with.

Heather (in Scotland)

Apologies for double post!


OOh I thought I had lots of comments ROFL Heather!


aww Jen thats crap!! how can they do that to you?? :o(

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