The Universe gives with one hand.... and then taketh away! That bonus I got? Turns out it's "an error". Nice. I now have a slight problem to sort out. I'm sure it'll be fine eventually but what a shock!
Anyway, some more photos from our holiday. These are of us and our friends in their Parisian "appartement" ;)
Tonight I watched "Child in a Million" on Channel 5 - a very interesting programme from a series on children with rare illnesses being treated at GOSH. The first little girl, who was 4, was such a character and I was thrilled to see her cancer op and subsequent histology had been encouraging. What a shock then to hear that the cancer came back and she died at the end of 2006! I sobbed. Puts my little problems right in the shade. RIP Molly.
On a happier note, my birthday present from the birthday swap arrived today - lots of gorgeous Lindt chocolate, some ribbons, a tin to alter, and a gorgeous 6x6 book, hand decorated by Daisy, my "swappee". What a happy way to start my day at 7.30am!
So, after all that emotion today, I'll be glad to flop into bed - if I can tear myself away from Desperate Housewives....
Oh for goodness sakes! Did I forget a birthday again? Sheeesh! what am I like.
Your friends house looks fab!
Hope things work out for you.
Posted by: Cath | 02/22/2007 at 08:57 AM
What a bummer about your bonus being classed as an error and taken back! :-o (I assume you can set up some sort of payment plan, rather than have it all taken away at once?)
What a sad story about little Molly, having so much character but dying last year. :( Sounds like she was a positive influence on everyone she came into contact with.
Posted by: Heather (in Scotland) | 02/22/2007 at 11:49 AM
What a bummer about your bonus being classed as an error and taken back! :-o (I assume you can set up some sort of payment plan, rather than have it all taken away at once?)
What a sad story about little Molly, having so much character but dying last year. :( Sounds like she was a positive influence on everyone she came into contact with.
Posted by: Heather (in Scotland) | 02/22/2007 at 11:50 AM
Apologies for double post!
Posted by: Heather (in Scotland) | 02/22/2007 at 11:51 AM
OOh I thought I had lots of comments ROFL Heather!
Posted by: jenrigg | 02/22/2007 at 10:25 PM
aww Jen thats crap!! how can they do that to you?? :o(
Posted by: Clare | 02/23/2007 at 12:29 AM