Cath tagged me. I have to list 5 things that are weird about me or my pets. I am ignoring the fact that Cath obviously thinks that I AM weird, and having put my thinking cap on, here we are:
1) I have to smell everything before I eat it. I have to smell the milk before I put it in tea or coffee... Wayne says it's weird, I say it's self preservation. If the milk is off you get a nasty surprise and have to start all over again.
2) According to DD I say random things like "I love brains" (trust me, you had to be there), or "why don't you put that on your Livespace?" (again, you have to know about these things to find that weird)....
3) If I get up to pee in the middle of the night, I always wash my hands (ok, so far, NOT weird) and then, half way across the landing I HAVE to go back and check I've turned the tap off. Even if I'm sure I already did.
4) When I've finished drinking my can of diet Coke or any soda, I have to squeeze it in my hand to make a dent in it. Again, not weird, just common sense because that way I know when cans are empty and need to go in the recycling....
5) I have conversations with my cats. They interact beautifully. Lyle just closes his eyes and makes little squeaks in answer to my questions, whereas Dionne looks me straight in the eye, with her bright green eyes wide open, and meows loudly, in varying tones. It's very interesting (don't tell her, but I don't always know what she's going on about, although I don't think she's sussed it yet).
So my conclusion is, whatever YOU think is weird about me and my pets, well it's NOT. It's just the way I am. OK?
Oh and as I don't know who's been tagged and who hasn't, if you're reading this, please consider yourself tagged and put your answers on your blog (but tell me first!). Nite.
we are not weird we are unique !!!
Posted by: Madds | 10/19/2006 at 11:08 PM
I dont think you're weird at all missy, just interesting!
Posted by: Cath | 10/23/2006 at 03:49 PM