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glad to see you have a good weekend and the job is working out for you, it is so good to have a job you actually like,, makes a big difference, i love starbucks but I hardly get it plus I heard they are about to raise there prices, eek!


LOL, glad you had a good weekend and you are liking your job!


Just stumbled across your blog while surfing fellow bloggers links. I adore your banner... Will be droppin' by regular to see what you have been creating.

Jane (Brods))

Sounds like life is good for you at the moment Jen which warms my heart :)you have a good bunch of people around you.


Sounds like a lovely weekend, Jen, and I'm so glad that you're loving your new job and settling in really well :) xx


So good to hear you are having such a great time at your new job! So gread indeed! And, well, I am a Starbucks addict...I must confess, LOL


Good to see you back here Jen and I'm so pleased everything's going well at the new job:)


Sounds like you had a fabby time Jen, how wonderful! And a compaby that is great AND has starbucks?? Heaven!!

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